Geez! Where do we even start? Once upon a time we lived in a pretty peaceful house. It was just us and old Nikki, the elderly schnauzer. Nikki was cool. She didn’t harass too much, just a half effort at a chase once in awhile, and she always let us share her dog bed and food. Then our world got rocked! Mama and Dad brought this black dog thing home named Ringo. We heard them saying he had been saved, literally by hours, from death row at some nasty shelter in South Bend, Indiana. (Wherever that is! ) He was nuts! We’re pretty sure he had no idea what we were as he tried to almost eat us! But after a month or so, we learned to really love Ringo and he became our playmate. He can be kinda rough sometimes, he has this thing for trying to pull us by our ears, but all-in-all, he’s pretty cool for a dog.
Then came “Cats’ World Gets Rocked Round 2” when Mama and Dad brought home ANOTHER black dog thing! And this one was strange. He didn’t have two front legs, only one! We were rather perplexed by this. We think dogs are weird anyway and now this. But we were fascinated by him too. We all sniffed noses and kinda got to know each other a bit the first night this thing came home. (We found out his name is Zippy and he was also saved from certain death by a kind rescue, Schnauzer Rescue Cincinnati.) Zippy seemed pretty mellow and kinda sad, like he wasn’t sure where he was or what was going on. We thought this isn’t going to be so bad, he’s OK, not harassing us, seems like a good guy…
Well, that mellow fellow didn’t last long! It took about three days for him to start chasing us, and I mean really chasing us, not playing like Ringo. He started cornering us and we’d get so upset we’d growl and hiss and puff up like marshmellows. And he’d just bark and bark and bark. Does this thing have an off button? Can’t you human people shut him up? Don’t forget that us cats are quite dignified and sophisticated so we find it pretty demeaning that this Zippy has the nerve to get our fur up and then make us spend hours grooming it all back into place. And that usually results in a hair ball that we then puke up on the carpet and then have to hear Mama gag as she cleans it up.
It’s been almost three months now since Weird Dog Zippy came and turned our world upside down. We still aren’t sure about him. We’re finding it hard to get any peace and quiet and no way does he let us weasle into Mama’s lap for some good lovins. He also has this sneaky trick of eating our cat food when we aren’t looking. And the other day he actually had the cahunas to blame us for destroying the couch! We are quietly conspiring to find a way to get rid of him. There must be a way…….
HAHAH!!!! How entertaining! Can’t wait to read more 🙂
The image looks pretty cool. It seems thats two cats are running from Zippy and caught here.